4ever Street

        I fall in love with the streets since I was 13 years old, the mid 80s was when I discovered what I called my first love "Skateboarding" that changed my life, at the age of 17 years old I got my first two tattoos which on those years tattoos were not very accepted in society at leadt in Mexico city. The skateboards's artwork show me a different world, I got fascinated by all those graphics of Pushead on Zorlac's skateboards and all the underground art at that time, the necronomicron of HR Giger blow my mind, a few years later in 1992-1993 I started painting illegal graffiti in Mexico city, after 30 years painting I can say that graffiti is my second love, painting graff and drawing for the streets become an obsession for me, thanks to those subcultures I started to play with the idea of doing a permanent art at some point of my life, finally life pushed me on the right direction and I got my first tattoo coil machine 15 years ago when I was living in Houston TX. The tattoo culture become a new challange for me and I haven’t stop. 

Now I want to give back some love to those artforms by opening my own gallery with the idea of show the people that tattoos, graffiti and skateboarding are the biggest influence in our times, tattoos and graffiti become so popular than now is posible to live from it, but there is artists that does it for the love of this life style.

It's my time to give back, and pay respect to those that were before me and to the new generations of artists that have an easier road, to show them that those street cultures are deep in some of us and we need to support what we love.

Francisco Ordoñez 

Dedicated to my graffiti crew 4ST 


by artists for artists.